

The Spanish government and European Union must respect the outcome of the Catalan Parliamentary elections according to Ross Greer, a key internal figure in the campaign for Scottish independence. Exit polls have indicated a victory for pro-independence forces in Catalonia.

Greer, the party's spokesperson on Europe and top candidate for the West of Scotland at next year’s Scottish Parliament elections congratulated the winners Together for Yes (Junts pel Sí) and also applauded the role of the Scottish Greens’ sister party, Initiative for Catalonia Greens, for their successful partnership with Podemos.

Ross Greer said:


“It’s clear that the pro-independence Together for Yes list have won the Catalonian Parliament election. Their victory, combined with the success of other pro-independence forces on a record high turnout, means a clear majority for Catalan independence.

“The Spanish Government must respect the outcome of this election, and the UK and other EU countries should do everything they can to ensure the Catalan people's right to self-determination is upheld. Their repeated denial of a referendum has been an unacceptable barrier to democracy.

“The Scottish Greens campaigned for independence in the Scottish referendum in 2014, and we believe the Catalan people too have a right to determine the course of their own future. We offer our congratulations to Catalonia Yes we Can and we also applaud the effort of Initiative for Catalonia Greens and Podemos for working so successfully together. It is evidence of what progressive, anti-austerity movements can achieve in Europe when they find common cause."