
‘Cataclysmic failure’ of UK climate policy underlines urgent need to move on from fossil fuels

The UK's climate change strategy is not fit for purpose. We need to move on from fossil fuels and invest in renewables.

The Scottish Greens have labelled the UK Government’s climate strategy as a ‘cataclysmic failure’ that will put future generations at risk.

It follows the publication of the National Adaptation Programme (NAP3), which is the UK Government’s plan for adapting to our changing climate. Previous plans have been condemned by climate experts for not going far enough in their preparations.

Scottish Greens MSP Gillian Mackay said:

“The UK government is utterly failing to grasp the real and immediate dangers posed by the climate emergency. With every day it is becoming clearer that the Tories couldn’t care less about tackling the crisis.

“This report should have been a turning point and a moment for Downing Street to take meaningful climate action, but instead they have published a list of commitments that don’t go anywhere near far enough while recycling announcements they have already made.

“In the past few weeks alone we have seen record temperatures across the world, massive wildfires around the planet, including here in Scotland, marine heatwaves and warnings from climate scientists that we need to act now.

“Yet, despite this disastrous backdrop the Tories are still committed to expanding oil and gas drilling and opening-up even more of our North Sea to the highest bidder. Their approach has been a cataclysmic failure and is putting future generations at risk.

"With Scottish Greens in government in Scotland we have delivered a ban on new incineration, a ground-breaking just transition fund and action to introduce free bus travel and curb train fares. We need to build on these successes and go even further.

“We don’t have time to waste. With the world burning around us, it is even more urgent that we have a fair and just transition away from oil and gas and urgently invest in the renewable jobs and industries of the future.”