

Ahead of today's decision (Thu 18 June) by Aberdeenshire Council on plans for a carbon capture and storage test project, Patrick Harvie, Scottish Green MSP for Glasgow and a member of Holyrood's economy and energy committee, is warning that such schemes must not be allowed to divert Scotland from the opportunities presented by renewable energy.

Councillors will vote on plans by Shell to construct an experimental facility at the gas-fired power station at Peterhead.

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"Carbon capture remains unproven, and we cannot simply rely on it as a solution to climate change. The experiment at Peterhead, if it goes ahead, is simply that, and we cannot afford to put our renewable energy agenda on hold in the hope that carbon capture will somehow save the day.

"Greens are clear that Scotland is in an enviable position to take advantage of abundant clean resources and a skilled workforce so we create jobs and energy for the long-term. The Scottish Government has missed the first four years of carbon emissions targets, so we need to go faster and further on the low carbon agenda.

"By all means let's continue research into this area but let's not use it as an excuse to allow new fossil fuel plants to be built in our communities. Investing in energy efficient housing, sustainable transport and locally-owned renewables should be our priorities."