Ross Greer, Scottish Green Party spokesperson on Europe and External Affairs, has today said the EU deal secured by David Cameron highlights the urgent need for a progressive pro-European campaign.
The agreement, reached this Friday, gives the UK power to limit some EU migrants' benefits. It also includes a treaty change so the UK is not bound to "ever closer union" with other EU member states, and awards protections to the City of London and its bankers.
The Scottish Greens are committed to an independent campaign for the UK to remain in the EU.
Ross Greer said:
“While this deal does show a clear commitment from the European community to continued UK membership, Cameron’s inward looking ‘reforms’ will do very little to convince those who have already decided to leave the EU behind. With the vote on UK membership getting closer, the need to put forward a vision on a European Union based on solidarity and the common good is more urgent than ever.
“The consequences of this week’s deal will not improve the lot for the majority of us in the UK - it will simply add insecurity for immigrants who have come here to live and work, while giving yet more breaks for wealthy city bankers.
“David Cameron is giving the wrong pitch to his voters - people want a union that is democratic and improves the lives of its citizens. The Scottish Greens and millions of people across the UK know that with proper reform, a socially just, progressive European Union is possible. We now need to get on the campaign trail and make sure Cameron’s hollow vision for our union isn't the only one that people hear about.”