

Green Yes, the Scottish Green Party campaign for a Yes vote in the independence referendum, is criticising the right-wing lobby group the CBI for giving a platform to Conservative leader David Cameron just three weeks before the vote.

Earlier this year CBI Scotland registered as a No campaigning body with the Electoral Commission, a registration later nullified.

Patrick Harvie, Green MSP for Glasgow and Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, said:

"The CBI clearly have more money than sense. Staging a dinner with David Cameron rather than a balanced debate as voting is starting to take place makes clear their position as a right-wing partisan lobby group.

"Businesses in Scotland are rightly interested in what independence could mean for them but they deserve to hear a range of views. Scottish Greens see huge opportunities for Scotland to grow a greater variety of businesses, and more sustainable economic policies. We have a chance to ditch the failed approach of successive UK governments.

"The CBI's austerity cheerleading, demand for privatisation of public services and continued bleating about tax cuts for highly profitable firms must be challenged, and I believe a Yes vote gives Scotland the opportunity to do just that."