
Brexit secretary must go demand Greens

David Davis should be sacked say the Scottish Greens, after the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union revealed that Brexit impact assessments for sectors of the UK economy do not exist.

Ross Greer MSP, the Scottish Greens’ Europe spokesperson says the revelation is further proof the UK government is failing to prepare for the impact of a hard Brexit and that the Prime Minister must now provide a timeline for when new assessments will be drafted and published in full.

Ross Greer MSP said:

“This saga is moving from farce to tragedy as it becomes increasingly clear the Tories have absolutely no idea what they are doing. In the space of a few weeks we’ve gone from the Brexit impact assessments existing in ‘excruciating detail’ according to David Davis, who refused to share them, to their being shared with MPs and the Scottish Government in a redacted format and now we’re back to his saying that they do not exist at all and if they did, they’d be ‘wrong’ anyway.

“While the Westminster government has been failing in its duty to prepare for the impact of their own Hard Brexit disaster, the Scottish Parliament has commissioned impact assessments, which projected eighty thousand lost jobs and a two thousand pound drop in the average wage as a result of this process. Theresa May must urgently clarify these contradictory remarks, commit to the production and publication of full impact assessments and sack David Davis if she wants to maintain any shred of credibility with the public.”