
Brexit Report: Greer says damage is clear

Responding to publication of 'Brexit: What Scotland Thinks', a report by Holyrood's Europe & External Relations Committee, Scottish Greens External Affairs spokesperson Ross Greer MSP said:

"This cross-party report, drawn from vast amounts of evidence submitted by everyone from farmers to trade unions to business owners, makes clear that Brexit will be bad for Scotland in just about every way imaginable. It underlines the damage that will be done if the UK Government continues to ignore Scotland's desire to remain part of Europe.
"The Committee heard that EU funding is vital for Scottish jobs and incomes, infrastructure, industry, universities and more. And there was clear concern that withdrawal from EU legislation could weaken our employment and environmental protections.
“The measures we could take to protect Scotland from this damage while remaining inside the UK now seem close to impossible, after Theresa May’s Hard Brexit speech. An independence referendum certainly feels all but inevitable now.”