

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and co-convener of Holyrood's cross-party group on cycling, today (30 Oct) joined a mass protest in Edinburgh calling on the Scottish Government to double its cycling and walking budget.

A survey earlier this year showed Scots want the Government to encourage more people to cycle. It showed people want more dedicated cycle paths, safer roads and better storage for bikes.

Yet ministers continue to spend just one per cent of their transport budget on walking and cycling. Today's protest - We Want To See Double - was organised by Stop Climate Chaos.

Alison said:

"From this latest protest to public surveys and the two Pedal on Parliament rallies it is clearer than ever that there is enormous demand for cycling. The benefits are obvious yet the Scottish Government continues to drag its feet.

"If we are remotely serious about living up to our low carbon and healthy living ambitions we need to see radical policy shifts. We hear repeated excuses from SNP ministers that budgets are squeezed yet they’re happy to commit billions to dual carriageways, motorways, bypasses and bridges that increase emissions and worsen our health.

"I will continue to make the case for investment so that Scotland becomes a Cycle Nation."

YouGov survey earlier this year

When asked should government encourage more people to cycle 69 per cent across the UK said yes; 75 per cent in Scotland, the highest figure in the UK. Most popular factors for making people cycle more were more dedicated cycle paths, improved safety on roads, better weather and safer storage of bicycles.

We Want to See Double campaign by Stop Climate Chaos Coalition