

Patrick Harvie MSP, Economy and Energy spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, welcomed today's rejection by the UK Supreme Court of an appeal brought by US billionaire Donald Trump against plans for the crucial Aberdeen Bay wind project.Patrick Harvie_small

The deployment centre of eleven turbines will provide industrial-scale know-how, helping Scotland and in particular the North-east diversify its economy.

Trump, recently stripped of his GlobalScot status - first called for by Patrick Harvie three years ago - and stripped of his honorary degree by Robert Gordon University, claimed the centre would spoil the view from his controversial golf course at Menie.

Patrick Harvie, Economy spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP for Glasgow, said:

"This crucial project has been delayed for too long by one rich climate change denier. This is the latest rejection for an irrational bully whose brand is increasingly toxic.

"Scotland's potential for new jobs in offshore renewables is massive and we must now see progress on this project, as it will help deliver the innovation the industry needs to move to the next level. The Scottish Government consent is in place and I would urge all those involved to get cracking."