
800 people download Greens' membership offer to Lib Dems

For immediate release 5 April 2011

Greens today published figures showing that the party's offer of free membership to disillusioned Lib Dem members has been downloaded 800 times in just six days, almost once every ten minutes night and day. Another surge is expected today, as the Lib Dems launch a manifesto which makes no mention of their decision to put the Conservatives into power at Westminster, their decision to treble tuition fees, their u-turn on nuclear power, or their support for the cuts to public services in Scotland.

Patrick Harvie said:

"There are a lot of disillusioned Lib Dems out there, appalled at the decisions they've taken on fees, on cuts to public services, on nuclear power and on Royal Mail privatisation. If the polls are to be believed, Scotland has now seen right through them, and we have had an extraordinary response to our offer to Lib Dem members to join the Greens for free. More than eight hundred people have downloaded the form from our website in just six days.

"Everyone in Scotland knows what Lib Dem manifestos mean - absolutely nothing. They make empty promises on the environment, and then back deepwater oil drilling, unsustainable new motorways and bungs to the aviation industry. This is a manifesto that would literally hand over the scrutiny of business over to business itself, while privatising and cutting public services, the very same model which led to the collapse of the banks.

"Tavish Scott's campaign has been a catalogue of defections, resignations, confusion and chaos. The Lib Dems must be desperate now just to get it over with so the Scottish people can put them out of their misery."