
2025 must be a year of change for people and planet

A New Year message from Co-leader Patrick Harvie.

“Every New Year is a time for reflecting on the year that has been and on our hopes for the year ahead.

“2024 has certainly been a year of change. Some for better and some for worse.

“For the Greens, it has certainly meant big political changes, but those changes feel very minor in comparison to what is happening around us.

“Across the world, we have seen war and conflict destroying homes and lives in Ukraine, Gaza and beyond.

“At the same time, we have seen record temperatures and extreme weather events becoming the new normal, destroying our environment and forcing people from their homes.

“In the UK we have seen the end of 14 years of Tory rule replaced by a Labour government that appears happy to be doubling down on some of their most damaging policies while plunging pensioners into fuel poverty.

“And both at home and around the world, the growth of the far right and toxic conspiracy theories undermine the scope for action on all these crises.

“In the face of all these challenges, hope can be hard work.

“But in 2025, we need to be better than this and work to make our future one we can be proud of. We should not be looking back in 12 months time and regretting the things we didn’t do.

“The decisions we make in the months ahead will be remembered and felt for decades to come. If we are to build a brighter and more equal world then we need to get them right.

“In 2025, we can and must act for people and planet, to build a society that reflects our values and a country that future generations can cherish and where everyone can thrive.”