2018 can be a year of progress, from equality and human rights, to environmental protection and investment in our public services
In their New Year message, Scottish Green Party co-conveners Maggie Chapman and Patrick Harvie MSP said 2018 can be a year of progress on human rights and public services, and they pledged to continue to fight for "justice, solidarity and our shared environment."
Maggie Chapman said:
"It has been clear that the world is in crisis for some time. Since the financial crash elites have used almost every trick in their box to keep control. The old world is dying. But by deepening inequality and accelerating climate change they have made the situation worse for themselves.
"In 2017 we began to see signs that the crisis is coming to a head. The new world is struggling to be born. In 2018 we will be ready for the birth of a new world. And we will fight to make sure that justice, solidarity and our shared environment are at the heart of that new world."
Patrick Harvie MSP said:
"At the turn of the year we can always look back at the highs and lows we’ve just seen, and at the hopes and fears we have for the year ahead. In many ways 2017 has been a year of extremes.
"The challenges of climate change, global justice and peace remain daunting. In all too many places political and economic interests hold on to power by making these problems worse, not better. In the US, we’ve seen an increasingly deranged and dangerous example of this. But we’ve also seen people coming together in response, building new alliances and stronger movements from opposing the arms trade to ending investments in new sources of fossil fuel. We’ve seen a wave of new awareness of issues from plastic pollution, to trans equality – fights that are very far from won, but where real and lasting advances are within our grasp.
"And at home, a UK political landscape increasingly dominated by a hard right jingoistic cult that seems determined to abandon our place in Europe and tear up the achievements of free movement, strong social and environmental protections, and a continent at peace. But we also see a willingness in Scotland to challenge this agenda, to remain part of that international community, and finally to use the power we now have to start building a fairer economy at home and protecting the public services we all rely on.
"Greens have played an important part in achieving this change, and we’ll keep focused on the positive opportunities that lie ahead. 2018 can be a year of progress, from equality and human rights, to environmental protection; from investment in our communities and public services, to building stronger relationships with all those around the world who work for the values and vision we share.
"I’d like to wish everyone the very best for the year ahead; let’s make 2018 a year we can look back on knowing that we helped make it that bit better. Happy new year."