

Patrick Harvie MSP, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, will today (Tue 26 Jan) mark 100 days till the Holyrood election by launching the latest wave of activity as his party seeks to capitalise on strong opinion polling suggesting a record number of Green MSPs will be elected in May.Patrick speech_small

With over 9,000 members and a strong team of candidates supported by staff and campaigners across the 8 electoral regions, the Scottish Greens have taken delivery of a record number of election communications - half a million tabloid-sized newspapers featuring the party's key message of "Scotland Can".

These will be delivered through voters' doors in the coming weeks, outlining how the Scottish Greens can push Holyrood to be bolder on new jobs, warm homes and power for Scotland’s communities.

Patrick said:

"With 100 days to go our top team of candidates and local branches around the country are gearing up for our biggest and best campaign to date. With our increased resources we're determined to make the most of positive polling which shows the chance we have to make a real breakthrough.

"With a record delivery of half a million Green newspapers we're showing how serious we are about getting our message to as many people as possible. We believe Scotland can do so much more, from warm homes and a living wage for carers, to investment in the jobs of the future and a ban on dead-end polluting schemes like fracking.

"Since the 2011 election, Alison Johnstone and I have pursued a can-do attitude, pushing the Scottish Government to go faster and further in important areas. With other lead candidates such as John Finnie speaking for us on policing, Maggie Chapman speaking for us on social justice, and Andy Wightman speaking for us on land reform, it's clear that the Scottish Greens have the credibility needed for a bolder Holyrood."

"In 100 days Scotland will elect the Parliament which will serve till 2021, and we can’t afford to see critical issues ignored till then. From scrapping the Council Tax to taking the action needed to abolish fuel poverty, and from investing in the jobs of the future to finally meeting the country’s climate change targets, it’s clear that Green influence is needed like never before. We’re determined to make the next Scottish Parliament bolder, to meet the challenges of the coming years."


Scottish Green candidates for the 8 electoral regions