Fri 17 Mar, 2017

Fife Greens are committed to supporting renewables and opposing fracking and other methods of unconventional gas extraction, including underground coal gasification (UCG).

Fife has a beautiful coastline and countryside, which would be at huge risk from fracking. We believe that fracking and other unconventional fossil fuel methods have no place in Scotland – to make a fair contribution to international climate change efforts we will have to leave some fossil fuels in the ground and unburnt.

In 2014 Green MSPs called for a ban on all forms of UCG to protect communities and the climate. In October 2016 the Greens welcomed the Scottish Government's decision to rule out the use of UCG.

Although the Scottish Government has a moratorium on fracking, the Fife Greens believe we cannot be complacent and need to ensure that opposition to fracking remains a priority.

A recent report shows that the renewables and energy efficiency industries have the potential to generate over 200,000 jobs in Scotland – significantly more than exist in the oil and fossil fuels industry.

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