
The Scottish Green Party stands for zero tolerance against all forms of discrimination. In order to reduce crime and violence we must increase social justice in Scotland – inequality and poverty are amongst the leading causes of offending. Green MSPs will focus on addressing these root causes of crime, tackling barriers to services, employment and participation in society, and defending access to justice for all as a fundamental human right.

  • Tackling gender-based violence. Violence due to gender inequality is endemic in Scotland. Domestic abuse and sexual violence are enabled by the barriers that prevent women and gender-nonconforming people from accessing resources, power and autonomy, and from realising their rights. In addition to our work to tackle the causes of gender inequality, Green MSPs will push for increased support for the work undertaken by the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit and for a sustainable, long-term funding plan to resource support services, including women’s aid groups and rape crisis centres. 
  • Rights-based approach. We will call for more rights-based training for police and staff within the justice system on equality issues including hate crime, violence against women, trauma, and learning disabilities. As with all of our democratic institutions, diversity in the police force is crucial. We will encourage schemes to increase diversity in personnel across all levels of the police force and criminal justice system.
  • Access to justice. Access to justice for survivors of gender based violence is undermined by a number of key issues. We will work to establish a right to independent legal representation for women who have experienced domestic abuse, rape or sexual assault; remove means testing for Protective Orders; abolish the not proven verdict in Scottish law for all crimes; and implement medical examination guidelines. Our Green MSPs will work to ensure that geography and means are not barriers to accessing justice, and to enhance Legal Aid.
  • Sex work. People in the sex industry deserve equal rights and protection concurrent with all other Scottish citizens. We will advocate for the decriminalisation of sex work so sex workers can enjoy full legal protection from exploitation, trafficking and violence and access to better support and healthcare.