
Students For Patrick Weekly Update

Hi there!

The Holyrood election is now only 51 days away! It's a very exciting time for us as we're getting more people signed up every week which gives all of us a real boost. So thank you for that and I hope we can get you involved in some way over the next 7 weeks - whether that's in a big way or a small way. It all helps.

So what are we doing this week?

Tuesday: Leafleting the Glasgow School of Art halls (Blythswood House and Margaret MacDonald house), meeting outside the GSA students association at 6pm. Should be a fairly quick job, come for a pint with us after! Give James a call on 07594853114 if you're running late. Facebook event here.

Thursday: We'll be having stalls at Strathclyde and at Glasgow Uni. At Strathclyde, meet Anthony and Daniel in the foyer of the SU - you'll also be joined by our really lovely council candidate for the area, Christy Mearns! At Glasgow University, meet us near the entrance to the library. As usual, we'll be talking to people about registering to vote and voting Green, plus promoting our Campaigning Sub-crawl, which takes place this Saturday. Talking to people, being yourself and telling them honestly why you're planning on voting Green is the simplest and most effective way you can make a huge difference in this election. No specialist policy knowledge necessary - just passion and enthusiasm. Hope to see you there!

Saturday: As previously mentioned, we'll be holding one of our biggest events of the campaign so far - the Campaigning Sub-Crawl! Teams of you will be heading off across Glasgow from our Campaign Hub on Woodlands Road (near Kelvinbridge subway station) and competing for the chance to win a box of our Harvie's Hoptimistic campaign beer - as well as other smaller prizes. Invite your Facebook friends and your real, actual friends - let's make it a big one. More info on the Facebook event here.

Looking forward to seeing you out in this beautiful weather!

James Smyth, Students For Patrick