
Stop the Gasifier Victory


Members of the Scottish Green Party attended the WH Malcolm’s proposed Gasifier Planning Meeting at Glasgow City Chambers on Tuesday 23 February.

There was a protest outside and then at 11:00 the meeting started, only to be immediately adjourned as, due to the number of people in the room, it was deemed a fire hazard and the decision was made to move the meeting to the Voting Chamber and start again at 11:30.

The Planning application was read out.  Those objecting had two 3 minutes slots to raise their objections and then WH Malcolms had two 3 minute slots to put their case for.

A Q&A Session followed.  WH Malcolm’s failed to adequately answer some questions, particularly around traffic increase and the resultant pollution issues, to the satisfaction of the questioners.

After an hour and 45mins it was put to the vote.  The Planning Application was defeated by 11 votes to 3.

Whilst WH Malcolm’s may appeal, this was certainly a victory for the local area and shows that Glasgow Greens can help local people can stand up to big business and protect their community from polluters.