Safer streets for schools

Local Green councillor Christy Mearns has been working with schools to improve road safety and their local environments.
At Anderston Primary she has been working with the local community and Parent Council to find ways to reduce vehicle speeds and prevent parking outside the school gates. After a period of successful consultation, speed cushions and ‘build-outs’ have now been installed outside the school and along Houldsworth Street. Christy said:
"I am delighted to have been able to support the school in their long-standing wish for a safer, more welcoming environment; and that this area is now safer for local families and children attending the school. I am now working on similar schemes for other schools."
Christy has also been supporting the Gaelic school to reduce herbicide use and to secure investment and improvements to Dover Street playpark, including tree and flower planting and new/improved play and picnic equipment.