
Portrayal of Transgender Children on the BBC

I've written to the BBC Director General Tony Hall to express concern at recent portrayal of Transgender children.


Dear Mr. Hall,

I am writing about concerns regarding the recent portrayal of transgender children on the BBC, particularly in Newsnight on Wednesday 11th January and in the BBC documentary, ‘Transgender Kids: Who Knows Best?’, on 12th January. I am aware that concerns regarding these programmes have already been raised by the transgender community.

The portrayal of transgender issues in these programmes is premised on inaccuracies and myths. On Newsnight, it has been erroneously claimed that children have access to gender reassignment surgery. The presentation of the idea that there is a rush towards unnecessary treatments or procedures for trans children is simply wrong. Rather, there are often significant barriers to appropriate healthcare. These programmes have also included the views of certain researchers without adequately highlighting how their work has been challenged by the transgender community and other researchers. Particular concerns have been raised about the inclusion of Dr Kenneth Zucker without fully addressing the reasons for his dismissal at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. It has also been brought to my attention that one of the participants in the documentary has complained that she felt that the BBC has misled her in order to secure her family’s participation.

This kind of inaccurate presentation of trans issues by our national broadcaster only serves to cause harm the transgender community, a population that already experiences high rates of self-harm and suicide.

There are a number of charitable organisations in the UK specialising in support for transgender children, including Mermaids. I feel that it would aid the BBC in their production on programmes on this issue to engage more with these organisations.

Therefore, I would like to ask (a) what efforts were made to consult the transgender community before these programmes were broadcast and when the documentary was produced and (b) if the BBC has plans to approach the topic differently in the future.

Yours Sincerely,

Ross Greer MSP