
Peace and Disarmament are still key for Greens

We face not only a climate emergency but also increased nuclear insecurity in our world today. The Scottish Greens have a consistent and recognised history of campaigning on both across Scotland, in Holyrood and internationally. 

Green SCND is a network of party activists campaigning for peace and disarmament. We need to act now on these critical threats we face together, and so:

  • We support the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition on Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)

  • We will campaign for an independent Scotland not to join NATO and get rid of Trident

  • We call for divestment of all public funds in nuclear weapons and military spending now

  • And we know a sustainable future has no need for nuclear energy, which is an essential part of the support system for nuclear weapons.

Claire Miller, Green councillor and member of Scottish CND, welcomed the relaunch of the Greens SCND group:“It’s important for Greens across Scotland to work together on these vital issues. In the capital city’s council, I’m often asked if we will take a stance against nuclear weapons and state our support for disarmament. Our colleagues and members across the Scottish Green CND Network will be so pleased that fellow Edinburgh Green Councillor Steve Burgess was successful with his motion to secure backing of the council to write in support of the ICAN’s ‘cities appeal’ (for all governments to sign the TPNW)”.

The network will build stronger links between the Scottish Greens and Scottish CND, encouraging more party members to join both organisations, take part in campaigning, especially at a local level such as pension divestment and nuclear convoys. We will strengthen connections with the wider peace movement and support lobbying efforts by SCND with Greens elected in local communities, at Holyrood and worldwide with the Global Greens.

“The struggle for peace and nuclear disarmament has been a guiding mission of the Green Party throughout our 40-year history. The need for us to mobilise around the threats posed by Trident in the UK have never been greater. 

That’s why at Holyrood I’ve worked with Nukewatch in exposing the threat to communities from warhead convoys on our roads and the unpreparedness of civil authorities to cope with incidents. It’s time to focus our campaigning work now as a whole movement, building public awareness of the ever-present dangers on the ground, that’s why this network is so important.”Mark Ruskell MSP, Scottish Greens

We are keen to speak at all local Scottish Green Party branches in the coming months to spread the word of what the network can achieve and invite branches to pass a motion in support of the TPNW and then campaign to have their local authority pass a similar motion to join those Scottish councils who have already done so.

The network is open to all Scottish Green Party members who are also members of Scottish CND, you can contact each organisation to confirm your membership and if you are only a member of one, today is the day to join both!

For further information and ways you can help please contact Green SCND co-convenors Gordon Dickson & Erin Crawley at Twitter: @ScotGreenCND or on facebook /ScotGreenCND.