
Patrick on BBC Radio Scotland this morning

A Better Scotland needs a bolder Holyrood

Here's Patrick Harvie on BBC Radio Scotland this morning at 07:40

On #bbcgms @patrickharvie says every chance of Green MSPs elected in every single region. We've got ability to connect with voters.

— Jason Rose (@jasonrose_green) March 4, 2016

SNP track record is mixed. On land reform, tenants, fracking, ministers need to up their game. Greens push them beyond comfort zone. #bbcgms

— Jason Rose (@jasonrose_green) March 4, 2016

Do you want ministers held to account by their own cheerleaders? Or people like @andywightman? We need a bolder Holyrood. #bbcgms

— Jason Rose (@jasonrose_green) March 4, 2016

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