
Patrick at the Unison NHS Hustings

Patrick Harvie, Scottish Green Party co-convenor was delighted to attend the Greater Glasgow and Clyde UNSION health branches AGM and Hustings tonight.

We believe that Scotland can unlock the power that our communities need, in jobs, health and the economy. We believe that the Scottish Parliament can be so much bolder in meeting the ambitions of the people of Scotland. The Scottish Greens have the people and the policies to make that happen. Our candidates have a solid track record of making a difference inside and outside Parliament. We bring fresh, new, bold ideas to Parliament. We will work constructively with others who share our aims. Parliament - and Scotland - needs a diverse politics and progressive champions to hold the biggest parties to account.

We're here at the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow for the Unison NHS GGC & CVS Branch Hustings.

— Harvie for Kelvin (@Harvie4Kelvin) March 3, 2016

"Care work has been historically under valued in our society" - Patrick Harvie tells Unison hustings.

— Harvie for Kelvin (@Harvie4Kelvin) March 3, 2016

PH: "Every election, we hear from every politician how much the NHS means to us. We must be judged on our actions, not our rhetoric."

— Harvie for Kelvin (@Harvie4Kelvin) March 3, 2016

Patrick Harvie: "We must not underestimate the hidden costs to NHS workers and patients of accessing healthcare" #UnisonNHSHustings

— Harvie for Kelvin (@Harvie4Kelvin) March 3, 2016

Patrick Harvie: "We cannot reverse cuts to public services without raising revenue from those who can afford to pay more" #UnisonNHSHustings

— Harvie for Kelvin (@Harvie4Kelvin) March 3, 2016