

The fourth session of the Scottish Parliament is now in full swing and Alison Johnstone and I have been doing everything we can to promote the fairer, greener agenda for Scotland that thousands of you voted for back in May.

If you've been following our news releases on this page, you'll have seen some of the areas where we are providing a distinctive Green voice in the Parliament - challenging the consensus of the other parties.

For instance, while we want to see more tax powers for the Parliament, we're making a clear argument against the SNP's campaign to cut corporation tax at a time when funding for local public services is being cut, and we are determined to see more action by the Scottish and UK Governments to tackle the scandal of tax avoidance by some incredibly wealthy individuals and companies in Scotland.

We've also been making the case for far more publicly-owned and community-owned renewables projects. There's a real window of opportunity here to bring about a steady and sustainable income for communities but we need to act to make sure that big business doesn't take all the economic benefits of the renewables revolution.

The need for more Green politicians at all levels remains very clear and as a Party we're working hard to increase the number of Green candidates that get elected in May's local elections. There may only be two of us in Parliament but we are confident that we can achieve a great deal over the coming years, supporting local and national campaigns that build Green support across Scotland. We're really keen to hear from party supporters and members about what issues you think we should be championing on a day to day basis, so please get in touch!