
Enough Food For Everyone IF...

Patrick and I have received a huge volume of correspondence from our constituents, calling on us to support the IF campaign.

The IF campaign is a vast coalition of charities and organisations demanding an end to global hunger. You can read more about the campaign on their website.

There is no need for hunger – it is a symptom of gross inequality, not of a lack of resources. We can feed the world’s population, but it will require much more assertive action than governments have been prepared to take to date.

A lot of the problem goes beyond the scope of the Scottish Parliament, but that shouldn’t stop Scotland making the most of the powers it does have at its disposal.

In response to the calls of my constituents, I wrote to the First Minister, putting the demands of the campaign’s supporters directly to the Scottish Government.

You can read the Minister for External Affairs and International Development’s response here:

Response from minister re IF Campaign

Please be assured that both Patrick and I will continue to challenge the Scottish Government to do more to tackle the issues highlighted by the IF campaign.