Community Empowerment? The reality, as Bonnyrigg is discovering, is very different.
I’m calling on Midlothian Council to rethink plans to demolish Bonnyrigg Leisure Centre.
Community campaigners trying to save the centre received my support last summer but it has emerged that councillors will be invited next week (Tue 25 Mar) to approve demolition.
Bonnyrigg leisure centre lost its facilities to the new Lasswade High School and Midlothian Council wants to save on maintenance costs but a community consultation has shown a strong need for a social hub with soft play, a cafe and a youth club. A community bid to take over the centre and create these facilities included a comprehensive business plan.
The response by Midlothian Council to the community’s perfectly reasonable bid is infuriating. The council basically want to wash their hands of a community resource with massive potential. It’s an appalling attitude for a local authority.
The community bidders can’t apply for funding to help them operate the centre until their bid is accepted, and in the council’s opinion that is tough luck. It’s an absurd situation.
At local and national government level in Scotland we’re constantly being told communities should be empowered. The reality, as Bonnyrigg is discovering, is very different.
Midlothian Council has admitted it has set aside tens of thousands of pounds to demolish the building when these funds could be used to support a grassroots bid for much-needed community facilities.