Co-Leader Christmas Message
Lorna Slater MSP's 2024 Co-Leader Christmas message

The festive period can be a time of celebration and cheer, but for many it can be difficult. It is a natural time to think about our cherished memories and about those who we miss the most.
There’s no right or wrong way to feel. It can be a time when families and friends come together in joy. But for others it is a time when feelings of loneliness, isolation and loss can be greater than ever.
For a lot of people today will be a day of work. Whether it is the doctors, nurses and care workers in our hospitals or the firefighters and police officers prepared to respond to a crisis, every one of these workers should be in our thoughts and given our gratitude.
There are also thousands of people working and volunteering at shelters and support services, doing all that they can to spread some relief and make life that bit brighter for others.
The last few years have underlined just how connected and entwined our lives are and how much we depend on one another. It is even more important that we look after ourselves and support each other at this time of year.
This is meant to be a season of peace, which is needed more than ever.
Our thoughts, our hopes and our solidarity must extend beyond our borders and to people around the world not just today but every day.