
Use this page to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the future of fracking in Scotland.

In November 2016, the Government published independent research on the impacts of fracking on our health, economy and communities. There is clear evidence that extracting unconventional fossil fuels will threaten our environments and endanger the health of those living near to fracking sites. Extracting more fossil fuels will make it harder to meet climate targets.

The economic impacts are also uncertain. The reports suggest that far from creating a booming new industry, fracking will contribute only 0.1% to Scotland’s GDP. Scottish Greens have shown that by harnessing our renewable energy potential we can create over 200,000 jobs in safe and clean ways for future generations.

The Government’s independent research contains plenty of evidence for keeping unconventional fossil fuels in the ground. But a permanent ban on fracking will only happen if we let Ministers know how important it is to halt this industry.

Fracking should have no place in Scotland’s future. It’s bad for the climate, bad for public health and won’t boost our economy.

Help us ban fracking once and for all. Respond to our consultation and let the Scottish Government know why they should #KeepItInTheGround.