Member's Bill Consultation Launched
I have launched a consultation on a proposal to introduce a Members’ Bill to the Scottish Parliament that would incorporate the European Charter on Local Self-Government into Scots law.
The European Charter of Local Self-Government is an international treaty of the Council of Europe which enshrines basic rules guaranteeing the political, administrative and financial independence of local authorities. It was ratified by the United Kingdom in 1998 and it came into force on 1 August 1998.
The Charter has not been incorporated into domestic law in the UK and thus the provisions of the Charter are not part of Scots law and are not justiciable in the Scottish Courts. Incorporation will mean that the status and standing of local government will be strengthened by entrenching international legal rights into Scots law. In addition, the public will be able to seek a judicial remedy if they believe that any actions by the Scottish Government or any legislation of the Scottish Parliament violate the terms of the Charter.
Further details can be found at including the Draft Proposal document which, for convenience I am also attaching to this email.
I would be grateful if you would consider providing a response to the proposal. Details of how to do so are contained in the Draft Proposal. An online survey form is the preferred method of responding and is available here
The consultation closes on 21 September 2018.
I look forward to hearing from you.