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Scottish Greens welcome basic income pilot proposals

5 November, 2019 - 11:15

The Scottish Greens have welcomed a new report into the feasibility of a Citizen's Basic Income (CBI) in Scotland.

The interim report suggests several different models for a CBI, which would be a payment to cover basic costs paid to all residents of Scotland. It would not be subject to means-testing, benefit sanctions or tax. These could be piloted for three years in selected communities.

Championed by the Scottish Greens for decades, the idea has recently become influential, and the Scottish Government has funded a two-year feasibility study led by City of Edinburgh, North Ayrshire; Glasgow and Fife Councils. Green Councillors Gavin Corbett and Allan Young have led on the project for the Scottish Greens.

Scottish Greens social security spokesperson Alison Johnstone MSP said:

"Today's interim report shows that it practical to pilot a Citizen's Basic Income, and it is time for Scotland to join many other countries around the world which are testing this radical solution to poverty and inequality.

"It could partially replace the cruel and threadbare UK social security system, offering everyone dignity and security with a reliable, unconditional payment, free from the threat of sanctions.

"It could also recognise the unpaid labour that so many of our citizens undertake, especially women, and allow people to take time away from work to study, care and take-up training.

“I look forward to the final report and the pilot, which needs the cooperation of the UK Government and I hope that will be forthcoming.

“I am proud of the role the Scottish Greens have played, with others, over many years in bringing this idea to prominence in Scotland. Once again, it shows that Greens are leading the change towards a fairer Scotland."


The interim report from the CBI Feasibility Study has been published ahead of recommendations to the Scottish Government by March 2020. You can read it here: