
Our ideals guide our actions, both in the policies we make and in the way we conduct ourselves.
Our principles are enshrined within our Constitution. This code of conduct elaborates upon these principles for the guidance of members.

All members of the Scottish Green Party agree:
"I pledge to abide by the spirit and rules of the Scottish Green Party in my behaviour, both
online and offline, with members and non-members alike. I accept that if I fail to uphold the party's code of conduct, I will be subject to the disciplinary processes outlined in the party's rules and procedures."

All members of the Scottish Green Party will... inclusive.
We welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, social and economic class, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, immigration status, educational level, family status, religion, and mental and physical ability.

... be considerate.
We recognise the impact our actions have on each other, and we understand that power relationships within society can affect our interactions in unexpected ways. We take these consequences into account in everything we do and listen and learn when others tell us how we have affected them. We realise miscommunication sometimes happens all too easily. Especially when communicating with other Greens or allies we will try to assume that whatever is said is meant in the best way possible. If we can't think of a good interpretation, we will ask the
other to clarify what they said. We understand that it is better to check our interpretation one more time than to allow miscommunication to derail the message.

... be respectful.
We may not agree all the time, but we maturely discuss our differing views, choosing our words carefully. We do not insult or put people down. Disagreement is no excuse for disrespectful or exclusionary behaviour.

... understand that diversity gives us strength.
We depend on each other for success as a political party. Everyone has a different perspective on the things which matter to us, and together our understanding is greater than any one of us alone.

... forgive mistakes.
We remember that everyone makes mistakes, and we admit and accept accountability for our own mistakes. Rather than assign blame, we focus on solving problems and learning from our errors.

... maintain political discipline.
We believe in participatory democracy, and the Scottish Green Party's policies, actions and candidates are democratically decided by party members. We do not damage our collective efforts by misrepresenting or undermining the people, policies, or principles of the Scottish Green Party. We do not lend support to other parties that stand against our own, or oppose our candidates in elections.

... help each other be better.
We gently remind each other of this Code of Conduct when appropriate, and we avoid becoming bystanders to harmful behaviour. When we are worried about a fellow member, we bring them to attention of the Welfare and Conduct Officer of our branch party. When we are seriously concerned about the behaviour of a fellow member, we inform the Conduct and Complaints Committee directly, who investigate and take appropriate action based on the rules of the party.

These practices will help us live up to the ideals of the Scottish Green Party.

There are many behaviours which are never acceptable, but some remain common throughout Scotland and deserve particular attention. We commit to abstaining from them absolutely, and note that many of these behaviours are covered by the Equality Act 2010.

1. No member will engage in behaviours that constitute sexual harassment or discrimination. Sexual harassment or discrimination takes place when someone is subjected to unwanted sexual behaviour or other conduct related to their gender. This can range from inappropriate comments to assault, can be verbal, non-verbal or physical, and can take place both in person or online. Any behaviour that is perceived to discriminate against or harass another person due to their gender has no place within the Scottish Green Party.

2. No member will engage in behaviours that constitute racism or religious intolerance.
Racism and religious intolerance are forms of discrimination that take place when someone is subjected to unwanted conduct related to their ethnicity, nationality, cultural identity, religion or belief. Any behaviour or use of language which targets, intimidates or discriminates against members of ethnic minority or religious communities, or incites racism or religious intolerance, has no place within the Scottish Green Party.

3. No member will engage in behaviours that constitute prejudice based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Homophobia, biphobia and transphobia are forms of discrimination that take place when someone is subject to unwanted conduct related to their sexual orientation, their gender identity, or their perceived gender presentation. In particular, the intentional misgendering of transgender people is a highly distressing form of harassment and abuse that constitutes transphobia. Any behaviour or use of language which targets or intimidates people based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, or incites prejudice based on sexual orientation or gender identity, has no place within the Scottish Green Party.

4. No member will engage in behaviours that constitute a threat to others.
Threatening behaviour occurs when someone is subjected to unwanted conduct that causes them to fear for their personal safety. Any intentional behaviour that is intimidating or otherwise threatens the safety and well-being of another person has no place within the Scottish Green Party.

5. No member will engage in bullying.
Bullying is a pattern of harmful behaviour over a period of time, going beyond interpersonal disagreement or conflict. Bullying can include personal insults or attacks, spreading rumours, intimidation, social exclusion, or malicious behaviour, and can take place online or in person. More subtle forms of bullying can include undermining a person's work, limiting access to desirable tasks, withholding information, or frequent shifting of expectations. Bullying behaviour which targets a person for any reason has no place within the Scottish Green Party.