The Scottish Young Greens (SYG) are the youth and student wing of the Scottish Green Party (SGP). We're open to all SGP members between 16-30, and all students regardless of age. We also welcome support from people who aren't members of the SGP, as long as you're keen on Green politics! You can join the SYG by emailing

SYG's job is to be a voice for young people within the SGP, and a voice for Green politics amongst young people. We aim to make politics accessible and enjoyable for young people. Some of the things the SYG does in pursuit of these goals include;

  • Representing the SYG at meetings of SGP Council
  • Supporting SYG members who are standing for public election, either for the SGP or to student bodies
  • Running youth focused campaigns on Green issues
  • Co-operating with other Young Green groups around Europe and the World, for example the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG)
  • Offer training and support for SYG members
  • Holding social events that bring a bit of fun to politics
  • Scrutinising and proposing SGP policy from a youth perspective

Day to day running of the SYG is managed by SYG Council and by local area groups (branches) of the SYG. SYG Council consists of national office bearers elected at AGM alongside local representatives. You can find out more about the current office bearers and local area groups on the SYG Council and Local Groups pages.

If you have any questions or want to get in touch with SYG for general purposes, you can e-mail