Wed 7 Oct, 2015

Scottish Green Party Conference: 10th-11th October 2015

SECC in Glasgow


It's that time of year again when we all head along to conference excited to meet others from our Green family. A time to share ideas, socialise, to present and vote on motions that shape our policy and attend workshops. This year is no exception with one major change, it's going to be massive! Last year saw a surge in membership that none of us expected and if you're new(ish) to the party, conference is the perfect event to meet other Greens and get involved. You can register for conference here: FRINGE EVENTS There are also a range of fringe events that you can bring friends and family to: Friday 9th, 6-7.30pm Patrick Harvie & Caroline Lucas - Defeating Austerity, Transforming Our Economy Friday 9th, 7pm onwards Pre-Conference Social! Saturday 10th, 8pm onwards Pop up cinema exclusive screening of ‘How to Change the World: The Revolution Will Not Be Organised’ Sunday 11th, 12.30-1.45 We walk, we cycle, we vote bike ride Sunday 11th, 6.30pm onwards Conference wind down after party All weekend Collection in conjunction with Ayrshire Support for Refugees. And in more detail… Friday 9th: 6-7.30pm

Patrick Harvie & Caroline Lucas, Defeating Austerity, Transforming Our Economy Rm 301, McCance Building, 16 Richmond Street, G1 1XQ (just off George St). Ahead of the Scottish Green Party conference, Strathclyde Greens will be hosting Patrick Harvie MSP & Caroline Lucas MP to discuss how we defeat the austerity agenda and make the transformational changes our economy & our society need. Caroline may have some time at the end to sign copies of her book, 'Honourable Friends & The Fight For Change' - which you can get here: FRIDAY 9th: 7pm onwards Glasgow & West of Scotland Green party invite you to a Pre-Conference Social: Vic Bar at the Tron Theatre, Merchant City, Glasgow, 63 Trongate | Glasgow | G1 5HB

Live music, buffet (served at 8pm), raffle & a warm welcome to Glasgow! Food will be mostly veggie with vegan options available.

Welcome to Glasgow! The Glasgow & West of Scotland Greens would like to invite our fellow party members from across the country to join us for a wee pre-conference social on Friday 9th October from 7pm. We'll be in the Vic Bar at the Tron Theatre with some music and food - and we'd love to see you there!  

New to Glasgow? New to the party? Here on your own? Don't worry a bit - come meet some other party members and get your conference weekend off to a great start.

Please book tickets in advance via eventbrite:

7pm onwards
Tickets: £10; Age: 18+ SATURDAY 10th: from 8pm - Join The Scottish Green Party’s pop up cinema exclusive screening of ‘How to Change the World: The Revolution Will Not Be Organised’. Dochart room, SECC, Exhibition Way, Glasgow G3 8YW

As we converge for our biggest ever conference, we look back at the birth of the Green movement in this award winning film. Packed with previously unseen and candid documentary footage it combines a compelling narrative with thoughtful character studies. A chance for us all to reflect on how far we have come and the work we still need to do.

Refreshments can be bought in the SECC main bar or feel free to bring your own. Watch the film trailer here:

 Tickets: £10/£5 concession Click here to book: or buy on the door. SUNDAY 11th: 12.30-13.45 - cycle ride Right outside the SECC, Exhibition Way, Glasgow G3 8YW

We Walk, We Cycle, We Vote is a united campaign of cycling and active travel groups across Scotland, supported by CTC, the national cycling charity, and Pedal on Parliament, GoBike, Space4Cycling Glasgow, Spokes Lothian and others. Join us on a tour to experience active travel - demonstrating interventions that can make cycling and walking the obvious choice for all short journeys. Meet at 12.30pm for an easy paced ride (no need to be a hardened cyclist or wear lycra), exploring some of the best and worst of Glasgow's cycling infrastructure. NextBikes will be available for free at the departure point. SUNDAY 11th: 6.30pm till late conference wind down after party Broadcast, 427 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow G2 3LG

The main purpose of the evening is to show our gratitude to all the volunteers and contributors who made the weekend happen! Relax and reflect on an amazing weekend - talking politics is entirely optional!

18+ ALL WEEKEND: Collection for refugees We will be collecting items (or cash if you would prefer) in conjunction with Ayrshire Support for Refugees. This group was set up by our co-convenor Yvonne McLellan and has many of members that volunteer on a regular basis.

Items needed:

  • toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, hand sanitiser etc)
  • nappies, baby wipes, toilet paper
- educational materials (wool and sewing materials, paper, pens, boardwriters, notebooks)
  • tents, tarpaulin, sleeping bags and waterproofs
  • travelling bags
  • candles or any other lighting implement
  • belts
  • shoes, wooly hats, scarves
  • tracksuit trousers
  • jeans (sizes28-32)
  • blankets
  • pots, pans and cooking utensils
  • underwear

Food parcels:
Ideas for a single food parcel like: Tin of lentils, tin of peaches, small container olive oil, pack of quick cook noodles, veggie stock cubes,
long life milk, packet pita bread, ziplock of tea bags, ziplock of coffee, ziplock bag of sugar,
chickpeas, sweetcorn, pasata, mackerel, apple juice, peanuts, ziplock bag of rice,
small ziplock of spices, plastic spoon, fork and knife We look forward to seeing as many as possible of you there, be sure and say hello!

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