I will be pushing The Greens to use our position within Scottish Government to protect the interests of our island communities and to protect the lifeline ferry service to Lochboisdale in particular.Roddy MacKay
Since 2017 I have been fortunate enough to represent the islands of North Uist and Benbecula at the Comhairle but with the new boundary changes that now means I will no longer be able to represent North Uist or Berneray. I wish to thank everyone who has supported me since 2017 and for the lovely messages of support I’ve received in the last week in particular.
That said I wish to announce that I intend to stand for election in the new Ward of Benbecula, South Uist and Eriskay for the new council term. Living in Benbecula but born & bred on South Uist I am delighted that I now have an opportunity to represent the people of the island of my birth as well as the island on which I live.
Why elect me?
I will be pushing The Greens to use our position within Scottish Government to protect the interests of our island communities and to protect the lifeline ferry service to Lochboisdale in particular.
I will also be building on our already successful campaign to scrap the ridiculous HIAL ATMS plans and to protect Benbecula airport from being downgraded.
Housing is another priority which needs to be addressed urgently. Since the stock transfer in 2006 only 38 houses out of over 500 have been built south of Harris. Since joining the HHP board as the Council representative in 2017, the only board member from outside Lewis, I’ve managed to have another 28 built in Uist & Barra with another 44 in the pipeline, I intend to keep pushing for more.
And of course, I will be pushing the Comhairle to protect our language and our culture. I intend to build on my position as vice-chair of the Gàidhlig committee this term to do more to promote the use of our native language.
If re-elected to the new Ward I promise to work just as hard and stand up equally as firmly for the people of South Uist, Eriskay and Benbecula as I did in my last term.
Bho 2017, ’s e urram a bh’ ann a bhith a’ riochdachadh Uibhist a Tuath agus Beinn Na Faoghla anns a’ Chomhairle, ach le atharrachaidhean nan sgìrean, tha sin a’ fàgail nach urrainn dhomh seasamh airson Uibhist a Tuath tuilleadh. Bu thoil leam taing mhòr a thoirt do gach neach a chùm taic rium bho 2017, agus airson na teachdaireachdan a fhuair mi anns an t-seachdain mu dheireadh gu h-àraidh.
Le sin air a ràdh, bu thoil leam a ràdh gu bheil mi dol a sheasamh airson taghadh gu Sgìre ùr Uibhist a Deas, Èirisgeidh agus Beinn Na Faoghla anns an teirm ùr seo. A’ fuireach ann am Beinn Na Faoghla, agus air mo thogail ann an Uibhist a Deas, tha e na thoileachadh dha-rìreabh dhomh gum bi cothrom agam muinntir an eilean far an do rugadh mi, agus an eilean far a bheil mi a nis a fuireach, a riochdachadh.
Carson a thaghadh sibh mi?
Cuiridh mi ìmpidh air na h-Uainich a bhith a’ cleachdadh an t-suidheachaidh a th'againn ann an Riaghaltas na h-Alba gus ùidhean ar n-eileanan a dhìon, gu sònraichte an t-seirbheis aisig a Lochbaghasdail.
Cuiridh mi ris an iomairt shoirbheachail againn gus cuidhteas fhaighinn dhe na planaichean gòrach ATMS aig HIAL, agus port-adhairt Bheinn Na Faoghla a chumail o lùghdachadh inbhe.
Tha taigheadas na phrìomhachas eile a tha feumach air dèiligeadh ris san aithghearrachd.
Bho 2006, nuair a chaidh an taigheadas aiseag, cha deach ach 38 taighean ùra, à 500 uile-gu-lèir, a thogail gu deas air na Hearadh. Bho chaidh mi fhìn an sàs ann am bòrd-stiùiridh HHP mar riochdaire na Comhairle ann an 2017 – an t-aona stiùiriche air a bhòrd a nis nach eil a fuireach air Eilean Leòdhais – fhuair mi air 28 taighean ùra a thogail ann an Uibhist is Barraigh, le 44 eile air an t-slighe, agus cumaidh mi orm a’ strì airson tuilleadh.
Agus gu dearbh, bidh mi a’ putadh na Comhairle gus ar cànan agus ar cultar a dhìon. Cumaidh mi orm, mar iar-chathraiche Comataidh na Gàidhlig airson an teirm seo, gus cleachdadh a’ chànain dhùthchasaich dhuinn a bhrosnachadh.
Ma thèid mo thaghadh a-rithist chun na sgìre-bhòtaidh ùir, tha mi a’ gealltainn gum bi mi ag obair a cheart cho cruaidh do mhuinntir Uibhist a Deas, Èirisgeidh agus Beinn Na Faoghla sa bha mi anns an teirm mu dheireadh.