Scottish Greens believe that local government can put power in your hands. Green Councillors will listen to community concerns, then work hard to create solutions and make the Council open and accountable. Glasgow needs a revitalised local democracy where citizens are engaged and active in the important matters affecting their communities, where voters can make real choices about the services they want and how to pay for them. 

Green impact

Since 2017, your Scottish Green councillors have:

  • Returned the Council to a proportionate, democratic committee system, and championed transparency and reform
  • Brought alternative voices into Council decision making, with activist groups involved in Green-led climate and nature emergency working groups
  • Scrapped parking perks for councillors and ended internal flights
  • Committed the Council to the world-leading ‘Equally Safe at Work’ programme and worked across political parties to secure Scotland’s first-ever local authority gender pay action plan
  • Supported progress on settling historic pay discrimination claims.

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