Wed 13 Jun, 2018

The SNP's plans are stuck in the slow lane and fail to grasp the seriousness of Glasgow’s air quality as a public health emergency. Bailie Christy Mearns

Green Councillors in Glasgow aim to stop the SNP administration backtracking on previously-agreed plans to bring in a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) for all vehicles by 2021, accusing them of lacking ambition for clean air.

A paper to be discussed at the Council’s City Administration Committee tomorrow (Thursday 14th June) seeks to overturn a decision taken at the environment committee on the planned timings for the LEZ to apply to all non-exempt cars, vans, lorries and taxis.The SNP proposals for a four-year lead in time would mean the scheme comes into effect from December 2022 and would represent the slowest possible implementation allowed by Scottish Ministers under plans unveiled this week in the draft Transport Bill.  Greens propose implementing the scheme for all vehicles by July 2021.

Bailie Christy Mearns, who will speak to the Green amendment, said:

“The SNP describe their plans for a LEZ as ambitious, but in truth they are taking every single day allowed by Scottish Ministers to complete implementation.  Their plans are stuck in the slow lane and fail to grasp the seriousness of Glasgow’s air quality as a public health emergency.”

Cllr Jon Molyneux, co-convenor of the Green Group, added:

“It’s disappointing that the SNP wants to overturn previously-agreed plans in this way.  Their arguments for dragging out the LEZ implementation for the longest time they are allowed to are weak and based on hearsay and opinion, not hard facts.  We hope the other opposition parties stand up in the face of this attempt to ride roughshod over policy decisions.”

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