10 Ways Green Councillors Make a Difference

Your Scottish Green councillors have delivered for Glasgow and our local communities.

They have:

  • Led urgent action on the climate crisis - securing Glasgow’s 2030 net zero target, a £10m Climate Action Fund, and divestment from fossil fuels.
  • Ensured the reopening of Glasgow’s libraries, museums and local venues after vital community-led campaigns.
  • Won funding for local communities, including millions for new play parks, back lane improvements, tenement repairs, 20mph speed limits, local green spaces and food growing.
  • Declared a rent crisis and put tenants in charge of leading housing reforms.
  • Secured funding for a free public transport pilot and ensured that all Spaces for People cycle routes will be made permanent.
  • Delivered a 10% increase to foster and kinship carers’ allowances, which had been frozen for a decade.
  • Reversed cuts to Citizens’ Advice centres and women’s aid organisations and won £5 million for anti-poverty work, targeted at the families who need it most.
  • Worked to make streets safer for children with permanent car-free schools and support for schools “bike buses”.
  • Stood up for migrant justice - opposing evictions, preventing deportations and fighting for decent housing.
  • Increased recycling investment for flats and tenements and moved bulk uplift charging to a fairer per-item system.

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