Bullying and PSE Debate
16 November, 2017 - 13:35
Yesterday (15th November) Andy spoke in a joint committee debate by the Equalities and Human Rights Committee and the Education and Skills Committee on 'Prejudiced Based Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Personal and Social Education'.
Andy highlighted a complaint against George Watson's College including a recent HMIe report. Andy said "On 26 October 2017, Scottish Ministers informed the Merchant Company of Edinburgh that one of its schools, George Watson’s College, is at risk of becoming objectionable under the terms of Section 98E and 99(1) of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980."
Andy's speech, a link to the Official Report and a link to documents on Andy's blog about the George Watson's case are below.
Official Report: http://www.parliament.scot/parliamentarybusine…/report.aspx…
Blog: https://greens.scot/andy-wightma…/…/george-watson-s-college-