Mon 6 Mar, 2017

Sarah Beattie-Smith

Dunbar & East Linton

Why are you standing to become an East Lothian councillor?

From strengthening local democracy to creating more sustainable communities to working across political divides to end cuts to services, Green ideas are needed more than ever in East Lothian. 

What’s the best thing about your ward?

Dunbar and East Linton ward has it all - amazing landscapes and an incredibly active community 

What are your priorities if elected?

1) To open up the council so that decisions are made with communities, not done to us.

2) To fight cuts across the Council and ensure that we invest in people and services

3) To connect our communities through better broadband and transport links

Who inspires you in life?

So many people from friends and family to famous folk, but really anyone who gives their time and energy to fight injustice or make the world a better place.

What qualities would you bring to the job?

Energy, humility and a dedication to only promise what I can deliver and deliver what I promise.


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